Introduction One of the more important unresolved discussions within the left concerns the issue of class, and especially the role and relevance of ‘intermediate’ classes in the fight against class domination.[1] Progress on this front seems to have been slow for multiple reasons, not least because…
Published on 12 jun. 2024 11:13:03
Reintegrating the dismal science There are a number of ways to explain what money is, and what it allows us to do. Sadly, the "origin story" that we were all taught in school is a very misleading morality tale, in which exchange of goods is presented as a wholly separate sphere of life. Supposedly,…
Published on 27 apr. 2019 08:00:00
As Walter Wink has pointed out, violence is a tool that allows us to realize certain outcomes that seem desirable to us: to change either the person we inflict it on, or those around them, by 'making an example' of them. Resorting to violence as a matter of policy (as our current justice system doe…
Published on 1 nov. 2019 10:00:00
Both David Harvey and Noam Chomsky have done a lot to analyze and explain the rise of neoliberalism. Both have pointed out that it should primarily be understood as a political project aimed at discouraging and disenfranchising 'ordinary' people, which gained steam shortly after the ‘social unrest’…
Published on 1 aug. 2019 08:00:00
Everybody knows that human societies have long been organized hierarchically, and many people in fact believe that complex society requires this. Largely unknown however is the fact that there is a great deal of evidence that suggests that institutionalized hierarchy is very much a late-comer to hu…
Published on 1 jan. 2020 10:00:00
To illustrate how normal it is not to talk about this, I'd like to discuss Noam Chomsky's public statements, whose criticisms of contemporary society have otherwise been fairly incisive. Throughout his career, he has tried to get people to think about the influence and actions of the US empire and…
Published on 1 sep. 2019 08:00:00